This is info I collected myself and from the Brushless Hipster Facebook group. Will add more info later. About the sensor wire colors : the scemetic shown is for a 120KV i got from Aliexpress. Later on i got a 150KV and for that the red was positive.
6384 vs 6374 size compareson ( 6384 is the big one)
28mm dia x 1.5mm round thing, There are 4x M4 tapped holes
I probably bought the same BLDC from Ali. The VESC tool tells me there is a problem with the Hall sensor. Are you shure, the red wire is reversed with the orange one?
I would like to test it this way, but the fear of being a little wasted is big;)
Btw: How is it possible to disassemble the stator completely, I would like to take a look to the Hall PCB?
Btw2: Sorry my bad english, i’m swiss-german guy
Thank you!
No, i was meaning to update this one, i got at some 150KV where the red was the positive. China seems to be al over the place 😀
Ok, so i have really to check my hall sensor pcb …
I have dismantled the rotor without problems but I can not solve the black lid where the pcb is underneath?
first try swapping the orange and red. But i think the can is friction fit and you can push it of.
I have checked this and red one is positive. The circuit board is now disassembled and i found one broken hall sensor:(
Thank you!